How have you been
able to write so many books? Is writing your full-time career? What does a
normal writing day look like to you?
Writing is a full-time job for me as well as my
ministry. Years ago when I first got
started, I knew that I wanted to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Bible
application in each book to offer encouragement to the reader. I also wanted to entertain the reader, as
well as educate them. I call it my 3E’s
– Entertain – Educate – Encourage. I believe God has
given me the creativity and imagination to come up with the various book ideas.
Most writers would agree that stories are everywhere around us—you just have to
open your eyes and see them. A normal
writing day? There’s no such thing. :) I try to start each day with prayer and Bible
although that doesn’t always happen and sometimes it comes in the middle or
latter part of the day. I try to write a chapter each day – that’s my overall
goal when I’m actually writing the book.
Usually I have several books going on at once so while I’m writing one,
I’m usually researching another, plotting out a third and sometimes reading
galleys for a fourth.
When you get a new
idea, what usually comes first (spiritual theme, plot, characters, setting,
back story, other)?
It just depends on the story – honestly. Some books were born out of settings like
Alaska or events like discovering Yogo sapphires. Others came to me via my
impression of a strong character in a difficult situation. It always various with each book.
What is the easiest
part of writing for you?
Writing the book. The writing is the easiest for me and the
most satisfying.
What is the hardest?
Again it really depends on the book or series. Sometimes the research is hard to get my
hands on. Other times the characters are difficult to get my mind around.
Sometimes plotting out the story gives me a hard time. It really just depends on the story.
They’re all really precious to me, because I know they were
given to me by God. One that comes
immediately to mind was a book called The
Long Awaited Child. I think of this
one in particular because of a letter I just received from a reader. The book is about a woman who is struggling
with infertility and longs for a child of her own. I’ve never had that problem myself, but I
felt led to write about it after hearing the sorrow of others who did. The letter written by this reader left me no
doubt that God’s hand orchestrated the story because she said, “I know you must
have suffered this heartache like me, because you wrote so clearly about the
deep emotional longings and daily problems I faced.”
Do you find your real
life reflected on the pages of your novels?
Occasionally. Authors can’t help but put a part of
themselves into their characters and conflicts.
What’s fun for me is when I think a character is going to respond to a
situation in the way I would, but by the time I write the story I can see that
a character of this particular nature would never respond that way. It’s fun when characters take over the book.
I’m not sure anything about me is non-writing. However, here are some things I enjoy.
Spinning wool. I just
recently took this up so that I would know how my book character felt about spinning
and what all was involved. I find it
really relaxing and a lot of fun.
I also enjoy what my mom and I call, “porch time”. I have a large porch that wraps ½ of my
house. I love to sit out there with my
mountain view and read.
Long drives. We live
in such a beautiful place and long drives are extremely satisfying as we enjoy
the beauty around us. It really gives me
a special time to praise God for all He’s given.
When did you realize
that writing was your ministry? Was it easy for you to accept this calling, or
did you have some struggles?
I always knew I was going to do some sort of ministry for
God. Even when I was very young I began
to seek this out. I thought for a long
time I might be a missionary nurse or doctor as I had an interest in medicine. I always loved writing, but wasn’t really
sure how I could use that for God’s glory.
When He showed me how, I have to admit I was elated and that joy carries
on. I get to do something I love,
travel, meet interesting folks, minister about God’s love and give it all to
His glory, plus get paid. What more
could anyone ask for?
What is the #1 tip
you'd give an aspiring writer?

Second, I encourage writers to read. Someone once said good writers are good
readers. I believe that to be true. I have encouraged new authors to read
best-sellers as well as books that aren’t best-sellers. I tell them to read the book once for
pleasure and then go back through it and tear it apart. Figure out why you think worked and didn’t
work for the book. Write out the details of the characters – what they look
like, what they do, what they’re afraid of, what their goals are. Write out details about the settings,
etc. An aspiring writer can really teach
themselves how to create better plots, characters and settings by doing this simple
Thank you so much!! I love reading about how writing is your ministry! What a blessing to have the focus of God first. I have enjoyed reading your books and look forward to what God allows you to write next!
About Tracie
Tracie Peterson is the bestselling, award-winning author of more than one hundred books. Tracie also teaches writing workshops at a variety of conferences on subjects such as inspirational romance and historical research. She and her family live in Montana.Visit Tracie's web site at:
Wow!! This is really special! The first author you've interviewed who I have actually read already!
This really brightened my day. Thank you Amanda and Tracie!
//Read the latest at:
@ Kimberly - how neat! :) Yes, I felt very privileged to be able to interview Mrs. Peterson. :)
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