This is the last day I'm participating in the Five Fall Favorites and I've had a blast! Don't forget, there's a giveaway at another blog's book room PLUS the grand-prize giveaway on Rebekah's blog, so check out the other blogs! And, one more thing... Rebekah put together a FFF Survey -- how did YOU like this party? Fill out the form and get a free eBook short story! (and thank you -- because your feedback will help make future parties even better!)
Today's five favorites are a little challenging. I need to think back over a decade. ;) But we'll see how I can do...
5 Favorite Middle-Grade Books
I'm guessing at what goes in this category, to be honest. ;) Some of these I remember loving, but it's been a while since I've read them so I don't have a review.\
3) The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare

4) The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin

5) Alone Yet Not Alone by Tracy Michelle Leininger

I shouldn't have to think this hard. I really, really shouldn't. After all, I have seven younger siblings and I know I've read them all books since I myself read them. But I still had to rack my brain!
2) Little Jewel books by Rod and Staff (various books by various authors)

3) I Spy by Walter Wick and Jean Marzollo

4) If You Give a Moose a Muffin (and others in this series) by Laura Joffe Numeroff

5) A Little Girl after God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George

5 Other Blogs
Want to read more favorites? Click on the images to hop over to these blogs and see what they have to share. Don't forget: one of these blogs is having a giveaway today!
Be sure to stop by Rebekah's blog for the big giveaway!! It ends tonight!! (note: giveaway includes an "idea jar" as well as paperback copies of the featured books).
Ooo! You've read The Westing Game? I love that book!
Cool books! Thanks for sharing Amanda!
Oh, yes, the Little Jewel books are so good. I remember getting the first set of them when I first began school. I still have them. :)
Thanks for participating in this Five Fall Favorites Party, Amanda! I've enjoyed seeing your book lists and adding some books to my list. :)
"The Westing Game" was so cool, but I didn't think so when I was reading it! I had no idea what was going on. Then my mom explained it, and then I thought it was really interesting. :P The second time around was better.
Oh, I want to read "Adventures & Adversities", "Alone Yet Not Alone", and the Little Jewel books (<3 Rod & Staff). :)
Ohh....these books look so good! Gonna have to add them to my TBR list!! Wait - Tracie Peterson wrote a Western? I have to go check that out!! ^_^
I have seen the movie Alone Yet Not Alone. I didn't even know there was a book! I love I Spy books! And is If You Give a Moose a Muffin similar to If You give a Mouse a Cookie?
Aww... I loved the book "A Little Girl After God's Own Heart"! Plus, the pictures are beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
Alone Yet Not Alone was a great book, and movie!
Oh I love the I Spy Series. I've also read the Bronze Bow. Very good book.
I've read The Westing Game! I really enjoyed it.
I Spy books are always really fun, too. :)
@ Faith - it's been a while. Rachel just got a copy so I want to re-read it!
@ Ashley - you're welcome! Thanks for commenting. :)
@ Rebekah - you've been a great hostess for the party! I'm so happy to have been a part! :) I've had fun!
@ CutePolarBear - Haha! Yes, it was so twisty!
@ Faith P - keep your eye out, Sarah usually rotates her books free for Kindle (if you've not gotten it yet).
@ Blessings - well, I'm not sure that it's *exactly* western, but it had a western-ish feel. ;)
@ Abigail - I'm opposite. I've read the book, haven't watched the movie (yet; my sister just got it).
@ Holly - you're welcome!
@ Amy - even though it's written for younger ages, I love it still!
@ Christian - oh yes, the Bronze Bow! I need to re-read it. ;)
@ Sarah - my family's had so much fun with the I Spy books! We'd have races. ;)
I remember really enjoying the Bronze Bow too! :) Thanks for doing this party!
@ Bethany - now I want to reread it. ;) You're welcome!! Thanks for commenting!
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