This week is going to be fabulous fun! :) I am linking up with five other bloggers and we're all going to spend a week with our favorite books!
But we want you to join in the bookish fun too! Every day there is a giveaway going on one of the blogs.
Oh wait. Did you miss the invitation? Here ya go...
Now that you are invited, come on in to the bench room! Take a seat and enjoy a good book or two (or ten or more!) with me! And, as I'm discussing my favorite books, be thinking about your own favorites! I love to hear about more books, so take these genres and tell me -- which are your favorites in these genres?
5 Favorite Mystery Books
I'm going to define
"mystery" as a book that has an aspect mystery in it. I used to read a lot of
mystery books when I was younger, but I'm not sure that I really have read any
books specifically "mystery" in the past few years.
5 Favorite Christian Fiction Books
This being my favorite
genre, it is downright impossible to narrow it down to five. So I'm just naming five that I liked...
4) A Time of Grace series (The Fragrance of Geraniums, All our Empty Places, A Love to Come Home To) by Alicia Ruggieri

5) The Old River Road

5 Other Blogs
Want to read more favorites? Click on the images to hop over to these blogs and see what they have to share (also remember that one of these bloggers is having a giveaway -- hint, it's the book room ;) Shh! I didn't say that...).
Be sure to stop by Rebekah's blog for the big giveaway!! It ends Friday night (note: giveaway includes an "idea jar" as well as paperback copies of the featured books).
Oh, lots of fun titles! I really enjoyed "Kate's Innocence" too!
Fall and books are such a lovely combination. :)
Alicia's Time of Grace series is definitely one of my utmost favourite series too. They're so good!
I really do want to read Anchor in the Storm and Old River Road. They sound really interesting, but I haven't had a chance to find them in the library!
This is such a fun idea! I do love book lists!! I remember really enjoying 'A Woman Named Damaris', myself. :)
//Read the latest at:
I can't believe I haven't read any of these! So many beautiful books!
The Time of Grace series especially looks lovely. Thank you for sharing!
Great post, Amanda! And I gotta say, all the covers of the books you listed are sooo beautiful! :D I've only read the Lois Walfrid Johnson books and The Old River Road, but I really want to read the others you listed :)
The Adventures in North Woods is a really good series.
The Old River Road has a pretty cover!
I love The Old River Road! I just can't wait for the sequel! <3
I'm loving this blog party already! I'll definitely have to check out some of these books. :)
The grand prize looks awesome!!!!!
I love mystery! Have you ever read any Terri Blackstock or Dee Henderson? They are really good mystery/Christian fiction authors. Most of what I read is Christian fiction, so I don't even know where to start with favorites! :) There are just too many!
All Lois Walfrid Johnson's books are AMAZING! And I really enjoyed both 'The Old River Road' and 'Kate's Innocence'! :)
I love the Northwoods Adventure series! So good!
Hey everyone! Thanks so much for your comments! :) Instead of commenting 14 times, I'll just comment once and mention you all. ;)
@ Rebekah - thanks! They were fun to pick out!
@ Raechel - definitely agree there about Alicia's series! I actually got them all in paperback. ;) There aren't many series I do that, after I read the digital copies.
@ CutePolarBear - have you tried requesting them from your library? Libraries are usually pretty good at getting their patrons' requests. :)
@ Kimberly - it is definitely a fun idea! :) I didn't originate it. ;) But I'm glad to be a part!
@ Sarah - wow, ten (and more) books you've not read! I know who's reading list needs to grow a little. ;) Some of these are must-reads ... especially the Time of Grace series (if you're over sixteen, in my personal opinion).
@ Blessings - ah yes, covers! I LOOOVE looking at book covers!!
@ Anonymous - yes, agree! They were some of my favorites growing up!
@ Pearl - isn't it? PerryElizabeth Designs did it; her work is great!
@ Kellyn - AGREE about the sequel!
@ ilovereading2 - yesssss!!! It has been so much fun already!!
@ Emma - I know; I'm a little jealous of y'all's chance to get it. ;) (not really...)
@ Abigail - no, I haven't yet. My oldest sister reads a lot of Dee Henderson. I just haven't gotten my hands on them yet. I really think I would like them though! And agree about the "too many favorites." :) Yes indeed!
@ Jesseca - ditto on all of that. ;) Have you read Johnson's Viking series? I've not had the chance yet.
@ Bethany - I loved Kate, Anders, and Eric! :) :)
"From the Dark to the Dawn" was such a good book! I'm glad you put it in your list of favorites! "The Daughters of Jim Farrell" looks so interesting!
Nice list of favorites! :)
Nice list of favorites! :) (Sorry if this is accidentally commenting again!)
I love mystery! Have you read any Terri Blackstock or Dee Henderson? They are really good mystery/Christian fiction authors. Most of what I read is Christian fiction, so it's hard to choose favorites! :) There are just too many good ones!
A Woman Named Damaris is one of my all-time favorites! I so rarely see it recommended, and I'm so glad that you did here!!! So worth reading and re-reading to sensitize the heart.
Agree ~ From the Dark to the Dawn is a beautiful, meaty novel ~ one with a strong Biblical message and unforgettable characters.
Thanks for including A Time of Grace, Amanda ~ What a joy to me! <3
I love The Old River Road and A Woman Named Damaris!
This is so fun! :) I really want to read Anchor in the Storm and Kate's Innocence for a while. I really want to read Ivy's book, The Old River Road now too! :)
I am very honored to be on your list.
Nice favorites!
@ Holly - it was so good! :)
@ Lily - thanks! It was fun to figure out. :)
@ Alicia - I know; thinking about it makes me want to read it again. ;)
You are quite welcome. :) I love your series!
@ Faith P. - so fun to hear others who have read those books! :)
@ Ashley - Ivy's book is well worth the read! :)
@ Sarah - you are quite welcome! :)
@ Pearl - thanks!! :D
What a great list of books for day one. I will look into obtaining these books. Thanks for the list.
@ Marilyn - another whole lot is about to "explode" on my blog next week. :) :) Can't wait!
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