Wednesday, November 11, 2015

4 Years!!!! (and a giveaway)

I was idly scrolling through some of my first posts on this blog when I realized that I was closing in on a "blogoversary!" Today marks four years since my first post. Now, over 400 posts and hundreds of thousands of words later, here we are!

And as I like any excuse for a giveaway...let's celebrate!!!

I'm super excited as a few author friends have joined me for an eBook giveaway! Four years...four eBooks in the giveaway!

Faith Blum has offered to give the winner one eBook of his/her choice. If you happen to be the winner, you can look up my review on them all (click on the title to view my review):
Hymns of the West novels
1. A Mighty Fortress - 2. Be Thou My Vision - 3. Amazing Grace - 4. Lily of the Valley

Hymns of the West novellas
1. I Love Thee - 2. Pass Me Not - 3. Redeemed

Sarah Holman agreed to give away an e-copy of Adventures and Adversities (see my review here).

Kelsey Bryant has donated an e-copy of Family Reunion (see my review here)

Alicia Ruggieri will give a Kindle copy of The Fragrance of Geraniums (my review here)

Now for the fun part: enter the giveaway!!! :)


Unknown said...

The favorite book I've read so far has been Lady Maybe. Happy Blogaversary. Here's to many more years and much more fun. Thank you for the fun giveaway.

Emily Ann Putzke said...

Happy Blogiversary!! What a great giveaway!

Emily Ann Putzke said...

Oh, and my favorite book that I've read this year? Probably Child at War by Mark Bles. =)

Unknown said...

Congrats on 4 years!!!!
I think my favorite book this year (so far that is) would be "From the Dark to the Dawn" by Alicia A. Willis

HisPrincessWarrior said...

Oooh! Good question! My favorite book I've read this year was/is "Merciful Scar" by Rebecca St. James and Nancy Rue. I got it free via kindle, and decided to just skim it one day and BAM was completely sucked it. SUCH an encouragement at a critical/emotional time in my life.

Salinn said...

I'm not sure what my favorite book I've read this year is. I haven't read that many lately just because I haven't had a whole lot of time lately. I've been re-reading the Elsie Dinsmore series though so I'd probably have to say "Elsie's Children" would be my favorite I read this year.:)

Terrill R. said...

Happy 4th Anniversary. Thank you so much for spotlighting newer and lesser known authors. My favorite book this past year has been Dear Mr. Knightley by Katherine Reay. It's had heavy competition, but still wins out, so far.

Olivia R. said...

I did comment, but maybe it didn't go through. My favorite book I've read so far this year would probably be Wings of a Dream by Anne Mateer.

Brie Donning said...

I have read so anmny great books this year, but I'm going to mention A Dream, Not Imagined by Shantelle Mary Hannu. Lovely little book.

daysease said...

Is this open internationally?? Anyway, congratulations!!

daysease said...

My favorite book this year.... The Tethered World by Heather L. FitzGerald

Amanda Tero said...

@daysease - Yes, this giveaway is open internationally!

Janell said...

Well, I would have to say the most impacting book I've read this year was "The Calvary Road" by Roy Hession. Can't say it was the most enjoyable though because it definitely "hurt". :-) But it was a good hurt.

Amanda Tero said...

Thank you all for your congratulations and comments! And congratulations, Terrill, for winning the four eBooks! :)

I had so much fun reading about all of your favorites!

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