Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Word Wednesday #48

"Who is wise, and he shall understand these things? prudent, and he shall know them? for the ways of the Lord are right, and the just shall walk in them: but the transgressors shall fall therein." Hosea 14:9

Share a verse that God has given you today or copy the button if you'd like to join in Word Wednesdays with your blog!



Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing, Amanda! It interesting how this verse says the way of the LORD is a beaten path for the just, but a way of stumbling for the transgressors.

"Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him." ~ Proverbs 30:5

Our God, who can not lie, has promised that every one of His words are pure. Pure from error, pure from impurity, pure from the mistakes and deceptions of men and devils. Every one of them. And when we embrace this promise with a child-like trust we are given a shield to shelter us from the lies and attacks of Satan. How much do I truly trust the Word of God?

~ Kenzi

Amanda Tero said...

@ Kenzi,

Yes, that is a very interesting thought that we humans can just process and process. :)

Amen! LOVE that verse from Proverbs!


"Teach me thy way, O Lord; I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name." Psalm 86:11

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