
Monday, October 2, 2017

Five Historical/Bible Fiction Books | Five Fall Favorites Day 1

Last year, I was a part of reader-blogger group who did this super duper fun “Five Fall Favorites” party. I’m happy to do it again! 

Before I get into my post, a huge, special thanks to Rebekah at Read Another Page for her hours of hard work putting this together! Visit her blog for her feature of today's post and a nice, handy-dandy link to everyone's blogs who are participating in Five Fall Favorites.

Today, I'd like to welcome you to my blog... for FFF today, I'm the book room which means...

Oh yeah, did I mention that this week also has a lot of fun stuff like free eBooks and giveaways? You are now informed. ;)
Today, one of my eBook short stories is free on Amazon. Since today's theme is Historical or Bible Fiction, I thought it fitting to offer "Debt of Mercy" for Free.

Beyond that, at the end of the post is a giveaway... so you can either be like me and scroll all the way down and enter, or you can be polite and read through the entire post first. ;)

Now, my favorite part... talking about five of my favorite books in this theme (loosely using the word "favorite" here cause it's almost impossible to choose actual favorites ;) ). So get your Goodreads open and ready to explode your TBR pile!

A second year has been tough, cause I’m trying to think up books I did not feature last year, but still books that I like. I tend to keep my favorites for a long time and I just don’t usually get 30 new favorites in a year. ;) But I think I managed to change about 50%.

Christ Arose by Faith Blum

Faith did an excellent job of writing the resurrection from the tomb's perspective without adding too much creative license.
Add to your Goodreads list here | See my review here

The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare

My childhood favorite! It has been years since I've read this, but I have fond memories of reading and re-reading it!

Add to your Goodreads list here

The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare

I waited way too long to read this wonderful historical fiction book. Easy to read, captivating, and yes... I just loved it.

Add to your Goodreads list here | See my review here

The Last Sin Eater by Francine Rivers

I need to reread this so I can write a review on Goodreads. Many people stay away from this book because it sounds weird. For me, it was more of a beautiful concept of taking an old custom and comparing it to the truth of Scripture. It's not for everyone, but everyone in my family who has read it has really enjoyed it.

Add to your Goodreads list here

Grace Triumphant by Alicia Willis

An excellent historical fiction book about the slave trade. Definitely action-packed, thought-provoking, and Christian.

Add to your Goodreads list here | See my review here

What are five of your favorites?
Whether Biblical fiction or historical fiction... what books do you like?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for the free book. And this party is so cool!

  2. I've read Christ Arose too! And Grace Triumphant sounds amazing. :D

  3. These look so cool!

  4. Fun list! I want to read "Grace Triumphant" some time. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Grace Triumphant is a favorite. I need to read some of these others.

  6. The Last Sin Eater sounds interesting to me so I put it on my TBR list on Goodreads. Thanks for the free book, too.

  7. Hooray for The Bronze Bow! ;)

  8. I've read four of your five, and Grace Triuphant is on my TBR list. I think of the ones you listed, The Witch of Blackbird Pond is my favorite. Such lovable characters!

    And I read the whole post before getting to the giveaway. ;) Only because I'd already entered elsewhere though. =P

    This is going to be a fun week!

    Liberty Bluebelle

    "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." II Corinthians 3:17

  9. I remember really enjoying "The Witch of Blackbird Pond " and "The Bronze Bow." I need to re-read both I them soon. ;)

  10. Great list! I've read The Bronze Bow, The Witch of Blackbird Pond, and Grace Triumphant and highly enjoyed them all. I really would like to read Faith Blum's story. I might also like to read Francine Rivers' book. What an interesting concept for a novel! The fact that you liked it is a high recommendation for me. :)
    Thanks for sharing!

  11. @ Kaylee - you're welcome!

    @ Faith - oh yeah, you should get "Grace Triumphant!"

    @ Victoria - thanks!

    @ Rebekah - You should!

    @ Sarah - it's always fun to add more books on TBR lists!

    @ Debbie - yay! And you're welcome!

    @ Kate - ditto!

    @ Liberty - look, similar reading tastes! Woohoo for the reader of the post. ;) ;)

  12. @ Jesseca - Oh yea, they're both very good!

    @ Kelsey - Faith's story is a good one; it's short, to the point, and very well thought out!! Aw... I'm glad to hear that. :)

  13. Thanks for the free book! You have recommended some great titles and I will look into them. :)

  14. Historical Fiction :
    Iron Scouts of the Confederacy by Lee McGriffin
    The Tinker's Daughter by Wendy Lawton
    Cannons at Dawn by Kristianna Gregory (needed some editing:p)
    Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes (again minor edits)
    Kate and the Spies by JoAnn A. Grote
    Will at the Battle of Gettysburg by Laurie Calkhoven (there elements I didn't like but it was so rich in detail! )

    Love Bronze Bow and Christ Arose! Those are actually the only two Bible fiction I've ever read!

    Whoops! Just remembered Iron Scouts is non fiction...oh well ;)

  15. I can't think of any biblical fiction (besides “Debt of Mercy” :D and “The Cat of Bubastes”) but I have read ANY amounts of historical fiction, so here goes for some ancient history! (some is not fiction but history :P)

    1. Boy of the Pyramids by Ruth Fosdick Jones—historical fiction.
    2. The Golden Goblet by Eloise Jarvis McGraw—historical fiction.
    3. Peeps at Many Lands—Ancient Greece by James Baikie—history.
    4. Beric the Briton by G.A. Henty—historical fiction.
    5. The Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt by Elizabeth Payne—history.

  16. Grace Triumphant is one of my favorite books!

  17. I have never read The Bronze Bow or the Witch of Blackbird pond, though some of my other siblings have...I've heard a lot of good things about the Witch of Blackbird pond, though and hope to get around to reading it sometime. And I have Christ Arose in my kindle library but still haven't gotten around to reading it yet. Grace Triumphant looks really good! I'll have to look into it more.
    My favorite Bible fiction book would probably be Ben Hur. That book was REALLY good. It was very insightful into the times, too. I actually put it down in a 'that just can't happen!' frustration, and left it alone for quite a long time before I picked it back up and finished it :D :D It was a really good book, though. Great selection here!

  18. I think I've read most, if not all, of those books! :)

  19. @ Crystal - you're welcome!

    @ Ryana - wow, great list!! Those look like some amazing books--all of which I've not read yet!

    @ Anonymous - some great titles there! I've heard of many of those, but haven't read them.

    @ Carissa - yes!!

    @ Jewels - Oh you should. I waited way too long to read "Witch of Blackbird Pond!" You should read "Christ Arose." It only takes about ten minutes to read and has a powerful punch! :) I need to read Ben Hur. I've watched the old movie and have heard the book is great too.

    @ Faith - cool!


Thank you for stopping by! I pray that you have found something that encourages you today. Thank you for taking the time to give me a little comment - they always brighten my day. :) I usually stop by and reply to as many comments as I can, but sometimes it takes me a week or so. But if you asked a question, be sure to check back!

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)