
Monday, September 9, 2019

Meet the Heroine | Librarians of Willow Hollow

You know about the series...

You know about the titles...

Now, you get to meet HER! The main character!! Lena Rose Davis. She's just fifteen. Likes to be ignored. And has a history of hurt.

Want to meet the other heroines? Hop over to the blogs of Faith, A.M. Heath, and Alicia.


  1. I had forgotten that this series was in the making, but now that y'all have resurrected their faces I'm so excited!! Hopefully it comes out AFTER school is done, though, so I can actually read the series :D

  2. I like her name! Looking forwards to reading this!

  3. @ Jewels - yes, it's been a slow and semi-quiet process. ;) We're looking at a fall 2020 release. If anything, you can read it on Christmas break? ;)

    @ Katja - thanks so much!


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Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)