
Thursday, August 2, 2018

Progress Report | "Protecting the Poor"

I just finished my first complete draft of "Protecting the Poor!" I am so excited, but I also realize that there is still a lot of work to be done! I'm hoping to polish up this draft in the next week or two and send it off to some beta readers. Then, Lord willing in December I'll have some steady writing time again where I can finalize the edits and get it ready for publication!! It's been a long eight months waiting for the draft to reach a solid foundation, so I'm very, very grateful to be at this point right now!


  1. Oh, that's exciting! Always fun when another book is nearing completion! What fairy tale is this based off of? If you said, and I'm sure you probably did, I can't remember. :)

  2. Yay! I'm so excited for you! Cannot wait for this book! One of my dreams come true;)

  3. Oh and it's a December release posibly! I so know what I'm buying with Christmas money;)

  4. @ Rebekah - thanks! :) It's actually based off a tale... Robin Hood! (insert excited squeal... it's like my favorite tale ;) )

    @ Ryana - thank you! Aw, that's sweet of you. ;) It's a dream come true for me too. :D We'll see if it's ready for Christmas. All depends on how badly my beta readers tear it up. ;) ;) ;)

    @ Julia - I'll be posting a sign-up for beta readers in the next week or so, and will pick from there!

  5. Well done!! :D Oh and I enjoyed watching the July update video. It made me smile ;)

  6. I am so excited for Protecting The Poor!! Excited to hear about the progress. I am always nervous about Beta-reading because I love to read books that are already refined, or only needing grammar proofs (love that part :P) but I'll think about it ;) And praise the Lord for two short story releases this year! That is exciting!! I loved watching your video last post, too, btw ;)

  7. Whoops, thought I was commenting on your August 7th post :P


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Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)