
Friday, September 15, 2017

Roses for Mama | First Line Fridays

In doing the #septembercoverlove on Instagram this month, I used Roses for Mama as one of the covers, and in doing so, remembered how very much I loved it the first time I read it. So, I decided to re-read it. It is one of those lovely Christian classics! Have you read it? What do you consider as one of the best Christian classics?

Be sure to hop along to all of these other blogs and see what First Lines they have to share!
Please note that I may not fully endorse all of the books that these bloggers read or the content in these blogs.

Rachel - Bookworm Mama
Andi - Radiant Light
Robin - Robin's Nest
Kathleen - Kathleen Denly
Trisha – Joy of Reading
Jeanette – CJane Read
Iola – Iola Golton
Anna – Cross Romance


  1. I think Bodie Thoene's Zion Covenant and Zion Chronicles series are classics in modern Christian fiction, although you can't really mention 'classic' and 'Christian fiction' in the same sentence without mentioning the Chronicles of Narnia!

    I've got the first line from Janet Ferguson's new release, Magnolia Storms, on my blog today, but I'm going to share the first line from my current read: Many Sparrows, by Lori Benton (Oh. My. Word! ❤️ )

    "Jeremiah Ring had witnessed death as often as the next man on the Allegheny frontier, but in all his thirty years he had encountered no deaths more dismaying than those confronting him now."

    It feels wrong, somehow, to follow that up with 'have a good weekend', but I hope you do! 🙂

  2. Happy Friday! My first line is from A Christmas to Remember by Linda Brooks Davis:

    1908 4 days until Christmas
    "The line of delicate stitches blurred to a crimson smudge."

  3. I honestly am not sure if I've read any Christian classics. "In His Steps" was really good!

    I'm sharing about "The League and the Lantern" by Brian Wells over at my blog today, but the closest book to me (which is on my Kindle at the moment) is "All of You" by Sarah Monzon.

    Present Day, 100 Miles off the Coast of Virginia

    Lieutenant Michael "Finch" Carrington pulled up the zipper of his green flight suit and stared at the mass on the opposite rack.

  4. Yes, I agree! Janette Oke is a favorite of mine. I've read all her books. Lori Wick and Bodie Thoene's books also.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. A Secret Courage by Tricia Goyer :
    October 15, 1940
    Will Fleming sprinted down the street. The soles of his black Oxfords pounded the cobblestones, yet his footfalls went unheard over the air raid siren’s howl.

  6. We have many of janette Oke's books,but I was not aware of "Roses For Mama". It sounds like a lovely book.

  7. This was one of my favourite Janette Oke novels. I loved the Canadian West series as well.

    I don’t think my kids even know there was such a thing as film canisters. They were useful for a lot of random things, but I never made a rocket out of one!

    I’m sharing from Jewel of the Stars by Adam David Collings on my blog today, but I’m currently reading Uncharted Hope by Keely Brooke Keith. Here’s the first line:

    At half past nine, boots scuffed the pavestones outside the medical cottage, followed by a rapid-fire knock.

  8. This is one Janette Oke book I haven't read! I will have to remedy that... ;-)
    For Christian classics (for fiction), I'd say Catherine Marshall's CHRISTY; Lew Wallace's BEN HUR; THE BRONZE BOW by Elizabeth George Speare; Francine Rivers' MARK OF THE LION trilogy; Janette Oke's LOVE COMES SOFTLY; George MacDonald's SIR GIBBIE and DONAL GRANT (though all of his could be classics!). :-) Great question!

  9. I remember that book. Jeanette Oke is a favored author. Happy weekend!

  10. Right now, I'm reading Love Held Captive by Shelley Shepard Gray. It's the final novel in the Lone Star Hero trilogy. The first line is:

    "There was almost nothing there. Almost."

  11. @ Fiction - I've seen Bodie Thoene around, but haven't read them. I may look into her. And Lori Benton is one that I need to read. ;)

    @ EnglishMysteries - yay!

    @ Becky - wow, you always share such great first lines!

    @ Rebecca - I still haven't read "In His Steps." Saw the old B&W film. ;)

    @ Trisha - two authors I've heard of but still on my "to read" shelf. ;)

    @ Paula - wow! Gripping!

    @ Marilyn - oh, I hope you get your hands on a copy!!

    @ Iola - yes, love the Canadian West series too!

    @ Alicia - great list! :) And yes, you need to read it. ;)

    @ Andi - definitely!

    @ Nicole - thanks for sharing!


Thank you for stopping by! I pray that you have found something that encourages you today. Thank you for taking the time to give me a little comment - they always brighten my day. :) I usually stop by and reply to as many comments as I can, but sometimes it takes me a week or so. But if you asked a question, be sure to check back!

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)