
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

If a Picture's Worth 1,000 Words...

Well, then, I shall fill this post of pictures. ;) Because last week was not one of the word-heavy type. Now, before I complain too loudly, the Lord blessed me with an excellent start of the week. Last Monday, I loaded myself up and trekked out under the magnolia tree to do some writing.

In the nice, cool, quietness of Monday, I was able to add about 2,000 words to Nat.

I had to pull out my 18th Missouri book to get some details straight before I progressed in the story. Thanks to all who prayed last week. The ending is looking a little clearer. What do you think... cliff-hanger or sorts?? Not like a huge one, but... just a wee one? Do you like cliff-hangers for the end of a book?

Oh, oh, oh!!! Guess what I got in???

Yeah, no... it's not going to be for me. ;) Doesn't quite fit. But! I'm working on getting things moving for a cover picture!! I can't believe I'm actually thinking about this aspect of my book!

And one last thing: I'm really considering changing the series titles. You see, I have "Orphan Journeys" as the title under which I published "Journey to Love." I have that convenient "Orphan Journeys novellas" and had considered that Nat's story would be the first of the novel series. However, as it's looking now, it looks like Nat (or people associated with him) will have a trilogy. And then I'll have a completely different, disconnected series of individual novellas. Yeah. Just a little confusing. So... I'm considering changing the series title. Which, in turn, will mean that I'm changing the title from Journey of Choice to... well, that will have to wait. After all, I just have ideas. Nothing concrete yet. I'd really appreciate your honest thoughts on the series title change. Do you think it would be a world less confusing to have two different series entirely, even though they're both about orphans?


  1. You look great in that hat. I enjoy a cliff hanger,if I liked the book and look forward to a continuation of another book or sequel.

  2. Cliff-hangers can be fun . . . so long as there's another book to answer your questions!! :D I think it's probably worth having two different series names--one for Nat and one for the orphan novella collection. Otherwise it will just be confusing to have two "series" within one series. Anyway that's my two-cents worth! :D

  3. @ Marilyn - aw, thanks! :) Yes, very true!!!

    @ Lauren - exactly! :) Thanks for your feedback. I think that's the general consensus of everyone. :) It has helped a lot, though, filling my "idea bank" with everyone's "two cents." ;)


Thank you for stopping by! I pray that you have found something that encourages you today. Thank you for taking the time to give me a little comment - they always brighten my day. :) I usually stop by and reply to as many comments as I can, but sometimes it takes me a week or so. But if you asked a question, be sure to check back!

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)