
Tuesday, August 20, 2019

6 Days!

How often do you actually see back covers? I mean, you don’t share back covers. You see the front covers. On Amazon. On Goodreads. Everywhere. But, coming from a cover designer, we put just as much focus into the back as the front. 

When I look at a book, sure, I love the front covers, but I also want to see the back. The entire cover. The aestheticism and continuity of the entire piece. I don’t know that I have ever shared just the back covers of my books. So here they are.


  1. I love these so much! Now you just need a gold one XD

  2. @ Ryana - thanks!!! Huh... you know, I think my Librarians of Willow Hollow cover is a gold-tone (if I'm not getting it mixed up with another author's cover there). ;) Does that work? ;)

  3. *narrows eyes* I guess so...I'll give up dreaming of a Repunzel retelling with Lydda or one of the other peasant girls...

  4. @ Ryana - laugh. out. loud. ;) You know, I almost did a Rapunzel retelling instead of Robin Hood. ;) But I couldn't quite figure it out. We'll see if the Tales of Faith is REALLY done or not. ;) Hmm... maybe I could always do a separate three-book retelling series... (tries to tell myself to be quiet, because I don't have time for current ideas let alone brand new ones... :P )

  5. *grins* let me know if you need help brainstorming...if you decide to do it XD

  6. Those covers are so pretty. What program do you use to design them? (I like how you can see the top half of each front cover in the background of the back cover.:))

    Have you ever thought about a William Tell retelling? Or maybe King Arthur? (Not like you need any more ideas.:):))

  7. @ Ryana - sure thing! ;)

    @ P.K. - I use Photoshop Elements 10. Thanks! I love seeing how I can tie the back covers to the front--even if in more subtle ways. :) Hmm, no I hadn't thought of those retellings, though they've been mentioned to me before. That would be cool!!

  8. Thanks! I always enjoy knowing what programs people use for book covers/anything else under the sun. :):) (Am I the only one?:):))


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Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)