
Friday, May 25, 2018

Proverbs Journible | Book Review

My Review

The idea behind this journal is fascinating: copy the verses and, while you’re copying them, you’re reflecting on them to journal about it on the right hand side. I cannot say how many times I’ll skim through a verse, but when I slow down enough to copy it, so much more comes out of it and it is more meaningful and I come away with something far greater than just the first skim. So I really appreciate the format of this journal.

It has a hard cover that seems like it will last for years and includes a ribbon bookmark. The right pages are reserved for copying the Scriptures (I will mention that the writer will need to have smaller penmanship to fit on the lines presented) and the left pages for thoughts. There doesn’t seem to be a ton of room for in-depth thought for people who are used to individual Bible study, but it would be a fantastic journal for believers getting into really deciphering God’s Word.

*I received this book from Celebrate Lit and happily provided my honest review*

About these Books

Title: Journible: The 17:18 Series
Author: Robert Wynalda (a local businessman) and Dr. Joel R. Beeke (President of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary)
Genre: Non-fiction, Bible study tool
Release Date: Series released in 2009
Why the 17:18 series?
In Deuteronomy 17, Moses is leaving final instructions concerning the future of Israel. As a prophet of God, Moses foretells of when Israel will place a king over the nation (v. 14). In verse 18, the king is commanded to not simply acquire a copy of the law (the entire book of Deuteronomy) from the scroll publishing house, but to hand write his own copy of the law. Thirty-four hundred years later, educators are discovering that students that physically write out their notes by hand have a much greater retention rate than simply hearing or visually reading the information. Apparently, God knew this to be true of the kings of Israel also. From such understanding came the conception of this series of books.

How to Use These Books
Each book is organized so that you can write out your very own copy of Scripture. You will be writing the Bible text only on the right hand page of the book. This should make for easier writing and also allows ample space on the left page to write your own notes and comments. From time to time a question or word will be lightly printed on the left page; these questions are to aid in further study, but should not interfere with your own notes and comments.
Purchase on Amazon


  1. I love these! I have the Psalm 119 booklet. It's a great way to ponder on Scripture

  2. @ Emma - they definitely do!

    @ Barbara - oh, that would be a good one! I love Psalm 119!


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Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)