
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Quest for Leviathan!

Yep! I'm ready to spill some more news about my short story!

By God's grace, I finished the second draft of "Quest for Leviathan" last week, and it is now in the hands of some beta readers. I am hoping for a February release, but I'm going to try something new here: a few illustrations. No, not me. I can't draw. But I have a friend who's willing to try drawing some dragons for me! I'll definitely keep you all updated!

Now that that's finished and I'm not going to burst with the news anymore ;) ... a more detailed description of writing progress last week:

Goals from last week:
  • Write 2000 words
    • Wrote 1,958 (whoops, I should have checked that on Saturday!! :P )
    • I'm giving myself a little room for error, because my writing was all in editing, which makes it harder to add words--I don't add words just for the sake of adding them. ;)
  • Finish reading Fiction-Writing Modes
    • Yep! See my review here.
  • Start a research book
    • I actually started and finished a book on the Warwick Castle! Review here.
From My Desk:
Or, my social media. ;) This week, I was actually active on social media. If you can see this video, it kind of explains why:

If you couldn't see the video, I decided to join up with the #janwritelog challenge, where basically you post and keep your followers regularly updated with progress.

Since I was editing Leviathan, I had several updates:

Beyond Leviathan...
Just sayin’... my sister knows how to get me the perfect gift!

Reminded that #lessismore in writing. #amreading 
“Fiction-Writing Modes” by Mike Klaassen. 
What book on the writing craft do you recommend? 
Any favorite writing quotes lately?

My Kindle has taken on a new important role lately, 
and has proven invaluable for beta reading!! 
I’m liking this device more and more as I use it! 
How do you use your Kindle?

Saturday projects: 
1) Tweaking the cover for “Quest of Leviathan”
2) Formatting a book for @faithblumauthor
What were your Saturday projects?

(not writing-related but...)
Books by authors I’ve not read yet. 
What should I bump up on my TBR {soon!} list?

Goals for this week:
Okay, I'm going to be quite transparent. I'm feeling really inclined to not make goals for this week. My energy level is still down from being sick after Christmas (vitamin D deficiency, we've discovered), and after pushing myself all week last week, I'm feeling way less motivated to do so for this week. BUT... I will attempt to make goals. However, each day this week, I'm praying that God will give me the energy to do what I need to do... and the wisdom to know what it is I need to do. It may not be writing this week. But, if the Lord so leads...
  • Work on current project
    • Let's say, add 1000 words. I'm half-rewriting some chapters I've already done (no, it wasn't a completed draft, I just had to change some things in the beginning before progressing)
    • And nope, I'm not spilling details as to what project I'm currently working on! Sorry... ;)
  • Read 30 pages in The Bowyer's Bible
    • An incredibly detailed bow-maker's guide (yes, for research) and kind of tough for this non-bow-maker to understand!

What are your goals this week? Did you meet last week's goals?


  1. Ahh! I want to read this book! Can't wait!

    I didn't quite meet my goals but close enough. This week, I want to edit through my Gettysburg section at the very least. But I would love to wrap up my entire edit if possible. That probably won't happen, but it's a goal to shoot towards! It would go so much faster if I could just change history!haha!

    Hope you get to feeling better!

  2. Thanks for your enthusiasm! I need to get it finished up. ;)

    Great goal! Sorry I didn't reply sooner, but I love hearing your goals!


Thank you for stopping by! I pray that you have found something that encourages you today. Thank you for taking the time to give me a little comment - they always brighten my day. :) I usually stop by and reply to as many comments as I can, but sometimes it takes me a week or so. But if you asked a question, be sure to check back!

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)