
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

And Some Weeks, I Really Don't Feel Like a Writer

After last week's fun blog post with an amazing update and all...

This week I began teaching piano/violin again! Which meant writing was out the door. Literally. And music was in the door. In full swing! I'm not complaining, because I love music and have had some fun with my students already (more on that tomorrow). But I have missed writing a little.

I did have an afternoon dedicated to writing. On Thursday, I hosted my first Writing Day with some local homeschool students.

There were five writers who joined us and from what they said, they all had a blast. Which makes me happy! We're already growing our list of participants for next time!

As for how my writing went that day...

Yup. Honestly, those were the words I put in my manuscript (don't worry--I deleted them). The words just would not flow! Which, isn't unusual, as I had about a five-day writing break. I had hoped to get some writing done over the weekend, but for some reason, it felt like all I did was run the roads. Which is okay. That just means that (hopefully) I'm all caught up. ;)

BUT! I do feel like I made progress! I have made it further into the Arms and Equipment of the Civil War book (which is amazingly interesting!). I have shown some self-control in my reading. Some. ;) On Friday night, this was my reading selection.

Like a good girl, I chose the Civil War book and... yeah, read the whole A Fool and His Monet (but that goes into reading posts, not writing posts--and I DID balance it with pages from Arms and Equipment). Back to CW, this one section stood out to me: 

Can't you just envision a story right there?! I don't know if I'll do anything with that interesting piece of history, but it fascinated me.

Oh, and speaking of Civil War books... I got Hoopla (my library online reading database). I have a video of me scrolling through just some of their Civil War options (if it loaded; this is my first time trying to upload a video straight into Blogger). I'm like... :o :o :o :o :o 
No, I won't ever be able to read all of those. Mom said that sometime I need to stop reading and just write. ;)

And there you have it. My non-writing week. ;) Thanks for listening to me jabber.

Before I leave, I challenged my followers in one area last week:

Who is the last author that you read?
What star value would you give the book?
Have you left a review? If you have not...then the challenge is to go and leave that review! :)

Until next week!


  1. I need hoopla! Is it strictly for Internet use only or can you download a book and read it offline like kindle?

  2. I've never had a day when I don't feel like writing, Amanda. I know, weird. But that's me. I know many other authors who feel just like you. And when they do, they step away from it.

    Loved that meme. You are exactly right. It is like getting a bag full of chocolate. I have to post that meme on our group forum. It's perfect!

  3. I just finished "A Molly Murphy Mystery":"For The Love of Mike". By Rhys Bowen. This my first mystery by Ms.Bowen. It was a winner. I enjoyed the character of Molly Murphy. She is a spunky lady. I could relate to the setting. It takes place in New York city's lower east side. It mentions a few areas where my paternal family lived . The Irish are the ones who are mostly the main characters. Molly inherits a private investigation business. Her first job is working in a sweat shop to find out who is giving the designs to the competition. Molly also receives a request from a Major Fabersham in England to find his daughter who ran off with a hired hand.After many close calls every thing is solved. Molly has a marriage proposal from a friend ,but she is in love with the Police captain, Daniel Sullivan. There is only one problem, Daniel is engaged to a socialite. Daniel promises to break off the engagement,but he fears it will hurt his career.I would recommend this book to every one.

  4. @ Ryana - you can download it and use it offline. :) That makes it very convenient!

    @ Sharon - ah, yes, I've heard of writers like that. ;) I mainly lose the momentum of writing when I have a break from writing. This week, I started writing just a few words each day, and that has helped! Thanks for sharing the meme!

    @ Marilyn - it's so fun to read a book in familiar territory! :) That sounds like a very neat book!

  5. Yay! I'm gonna check it out!


Thank you for stopping by! I pray that you have found something that encourages you today. Thank you for taking the time to give me a little comment - they always brighten my day. :) I usually stop by and reply to as many comments as I can, but sometimes it takes me a week or so. But if you asked a question, be sure to check back!

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)