
Friday, April 14, 2017

God Loves Daddy and Me | FLF and Book Review

Happy Friday!! Today the book I'm featuring for First Line Fridays is a book I received to review... and it's another adorable one. :) Last month, I had gotten God Loves Mommy and Me and when I saw this one by the same author, I couldn't pass it up. ;) These are sweet little books that would make the perfect gift for parents.

"God loves Daddy and me in lots of special ways. His love is with us when we go on big-adventure days."
(God Loves Daddy and Me by Bonnie Rickner Jensen, Illustrated by Laura Watkins)

My review:
Another adorable children's book by Bonnie Rickner Jensen and Laura Watkins. It is written very similarly to [book:God Loves Mommy and Me|30649482]--cute illustrations and a fun exploration of the many different times and ways in which God loves "Daddy and me," using many traditional family play-times (like building forts, taking walks, doing chores). I really appreciate the concepts portrayed in this book about God hearing our prayers, forgiveness making love strong, and God's ever-present, unconditional love. This is definitely a children's book I endorse.

*I received this book from BookLook Bloggers and happily provided my review*

Your Turn!
Now, pick up a book nearest you and share a first line.
Do you have any children's books you love to read?

Also, be sure to hop along to all of these other blogs and see what First Lines they have to share!
Please note that I may not fully endorse all of the books that these bloggers read or the content in these blogs.

Rachel - Bookworm Mama
Lauraine - Lauraine's Notes
Andi - Radiant Light
Robin - Robin's Nest
Kathleen - Kathleen Denly


  1. Hey, Amanda. Wishing you a blessed Easter weekend.

    I'm sharing the first line from Bodie & Brock Thoene's "Behold the Man" this week. Perfect Easter reading!

  2. Happy Friday! My first line is from Noelle Marchand's "The Nanny's Temporary Triplets" : "By the power vested in me by God and the state of Texas" --- "Stop this wedding!"

  3. Thanks!! I pray your weekend it blessed too.
    Looking forward to seeing it! About to do some blog hopping! :)

  4. Happy Friday! My first line is from Noelle Marchand's "The Nanny's Temporary Triplets" : "By the power vested in me by God and the state of Texas" --- "Stop this wedding!"

  5. I just posted on another blog that led with a line from a children's book, which is a stark contrast to the book I'm sharing this week. But the contrast emphasized the innocence that was taken in the author's childhood (and is a great reminder of what Easter is all about!).

    My first line is from Candice Curry's autobiography A CON MAN'S DAUGHTER: "I could hear my name being called, but I was stuck somewhere between a dream and reality."

    But the line that made me keep reading is this one, a thought Candice had as a 13-year-old: "I strained to hear God's voice in my ear but only heard Satan whisper how much he loved me."

  6. My first line comes from GRACE by Max Lucado.

    Some years ago I underwent a heart procedure.

    Happy Resurrection Weekend!

  7. I love the cover of this book...super cute! Happy Good Friday!

  8. I'm reading Laddie right now, by Gene Stratton-Porter. I would consider Mrs. Porter my favorite author, because I've thoroughly enjoyed every book I've read of hers, and two of them are in my top four favorite books. And so far I am thoroughly enjoying Laddie, as well! The first paragraph is as follows:

    "Have I got a Little Sister anywhere in this house?" inquired Laddie at the door, in his most coaxing voice.
    "Yes, sir," I answered, dropping the trousers I was making for Hezekiah, my pet bluejay, and running as fast as I could. There was no telling what minute May might take it into her head that she was a little sister and reach him first. Maybe he wanted me to do something for him, and I loved to wait on Laddie.

    I know it's not just a single line, but, you know, sometimes a first paragraph is just as intriguing and engaging as a first line ;D (In fact, probably most of the time :) )

    Blessings on you as we remember the death of our LORD and celebrate His resurrection!
    Jewels <3
    "Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here; He is risen!" ~Luke 24:5

  9. This first line is from the Williamsburg Years Book Two. "Tom Hutchinson! Are you using that tree to peek in my window?"

  10. That is such an adorable cover and I love that line! I'm excited to be reviewing a children's book on my own blog soon.
    Today I shared the first line from "A Hope Unseen" over on my blog, but I thought I'd share with you the first line from what I'm reading right now: "Lia Promise stared at the man across the table from her." It's from "An Informal Affair" by Heather Gray and is one of the stories in the Love At First Laugh collection which I have been reading my way through between novels this month.

  11. So sweet! I love reading children's books to my kids but it's even better when they read them to each other :)

  12. Hi all! I'm so sorry that I've not been able to come back and comment individually...hopefully life will get slightly slower soon so I can do that. :) But I greatly enjoy reading through all of your first lines and comments, so please keep them coming!


Thank you for stopping by! I pray that you have found something that encourages you today. Thank you for taking the time to give me a little comment - they always brighten my day. :) I usually stop by and reply to as many comments as I can, but sometimes it takes me a week or so. But if you asked a question, be sure to check back!

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)