
Friday, September 16, 2016

This Last Surrender | Book Review

I read this devotional book in one day, not 31 as intended. I think it would make a very nice daily devotional book, but it was a Sunday afternoon, and I had a few hours in which to read it. :)

There were many good reminders and spiritual truths in this book. It covers so much about daily life -- plodding, staying faithful, following Christ, being grateful, praying, embracing Christ's beauty, the list goes on. Some areas were not applicable to me as a single girl, because I obviously don't have toddlers clinging to me or keeping me up at night, but I know a lot of young mothers who would identify very strongly with Mrs. Neal's words and the lessons she's learned.

I'm not very poetic, so sometimes the poetic flow of wording slowed me down. In some cases, different formatting might would have made it a little easier to read. But still, the truths presented resounded with lessons I've learned from the Bible and I appreciated this little book.

Some quotes I liked:
"None of these things are 'wrong' in and of themselves, but sometimes we can make them into idols when they become a necessity to us –when we don't think that we can live without them, that we can't go on living without them."

"I want my body back… Or my career back… Or my freedom back… Or my time back. But it isn't mine–Sometimes I forget that."

"Because when every support is taken away, we either fall utterly, or we fall on Jesus."

"Beauty is born from the womb of discipline."

“If we were never overwhelmed, how would we learn to rely upon Him?”

About the Book
Are you weary in spirit – looking for deep rest? 
Are you thirsty in your soul – needing living water? 
Do you long for a word of encouragement, helping you to persevere through the seeming monotony of motherhood, the press of modern culture, and the difficulties of the Christian life? 

Savor This Last Surrender, a 31-day devotional adapted from some of the most beloved posts from Rebekah Neal’s blog “Ready to be Offered.” Here, you’ll discover a respite – not an escape; a time of refreshment rather than of distraction; and an opportunity to surrender daily everything – heart, soul, mind, and body – to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

You’ll find each day’s selection includes nourishing quotes from past Christians who have walked the narrow way before us, as well as a heart-softening, soul-enriching selection from Rebekah. Ranging from, “Why It’s Not About Losing the Last Ten Pounds,” to “Is He Enough?”, Rebekah handles topics close to almost every woman’s heart with unswerving Scriptural faithfulness and love. 

Every daily reading includes questions for prayer, journaling, or small-group discussion.

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Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)