
Thursday, September 29, 2016

Five Fall Favorites - Day Four

Perhaps it's a little early in the morning for bonfires... but still. The weather is changing (slower in these Southern states, but it's changing), and reading by the fire is nothing but cozy!

5 Favorite Western Books
I actually haven't read many western books that give me the western feel I'm looking for. I love the era, the genre, but when I think about "western books," it's hard for me to suddenly list five. But here are some that I enjoy nevertheless.

1) Everyday Life in the Wild West by Candy Moulton

2) Shane by Jack Schaefer

3) The Boy Who Became Buffalo Bill by Andrea Warren

4) Hymns of the West series by Faith Blum
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5) A Treasure Concealed by Tracie Peterson

5 Favorite Inspirational Books
Maybe I did a little cheating in listing "five" below (er, maybe I've been cheating all week...). ;) You be the judge, but I enjoy this genre...

1) Lady in Waiting by Jackie Kendall and Debbie Jones

2) The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer

3) Elizabeth George's Bible Studies (Philippians, 1 Peter, others)
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4) Louder than Words by Andy Stanley

5 Other Blogs
Want to read more favorites? Click on the images to hop over to these blogs and see what they have to share. Don't forget: one of these blogs is having a giveaway today!

Be sure to stop by Rebekah's blog for the big giveaway!! It ends tomorrow (note: giveaway includes an "idea jar" as well as paperback copies of the featured books).


  1. Oh, some fun books! I haven't read most of these so it was fun to read your list. :)

  2. I read Shane, but didn't particularly appreciate the ending. :( But Thank you for sharing all these with us!

  3. Ooooh. Everyday Life in the Wild West looks good! I've heard about Lady in Waiting. Those two books I now want to read. :)
    And The Hymns of the West series is one I have wanted sooooo badly to read. I read Life and Salvation, and it was so good. This party is so much fun! Thank you for sharing your favorites. :D
    Have a good and godly day!

  4. I'm related to Buffalo Bill. Fourth-great-grandfather... or something like that? So that's cool. ;) And have you heard of Pawnee Bill? (He was Buffalo Bill's show partner for a while.) We were able to visit Pawnee Bill's ranch out in Pawnee, Oklahoma last Saturday! :)


  5. I just recently bought "Lady in Waiting" - looking forward to reading it!

  6. I really want to read the Hymns of the West novels! I've read several of the novellas and enjoyed them :D

  7. Those look like good books! I want to read a Tracie Peterson book now. ;)


  8. I NEED to get the rest of the Hymn's of the Faith series! Such a good writer!

  9. I'm looking forward to reading Hymns of the West.

  10. @ Rebekah - it's always fun when someone hasn't read most on my list. ;)

    @ Bethany - yeah... the ending was "ish." I liked how western it felt though. It's not actually my highest rated book because of language and such.

    @ Ashley - it's a very informative book!
    Oh yes, you need to get into the Hymns of the West series! :)

    @ Kimberly - huh, that's pretty cool! Hadn't heard of Pawnee Bill.

    @ Raechel - I really liked it! I'm not big into "books for singles," but that one was different.

    @ Faith P. - oh, you should! The first one is perma free. ;) I like her novels better than the novellas!

    @ CutePolarBear - haha! Tracie Peterson has a ton of books too!

    @ Holly - yes, you should!! :D

    @Emma - hope you like them! :)


Thank you for stopping by! I pray that you have found something that encourages you today. Thank you for taking the time to give me a little comment - they always brighten my day. :) I usually stop by and reply to as many comments as I can, but sometimes it takes me a week or so. But if you asked a question, be sure to check back!

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)