
Friday, September 30, 2016

Five Fall Favorites - Day Five

This is the last day I'm participating in the Five Fall Favorites and I've had a blast! Don't forget, there's a giveaway at another blog's book room PLUS the grand-prize giveaway on Rebekah's blog, so check out the other blogs! And, one more thing... Rebekah put together a FFF Survey -- how did YOU like this party? Fill out the form and get a free eBook short story! (and thank you -- because your feedback will help make future parties even better!)

Today's five favorites are a little challenging. I need to think back over a decade. ;) But we'll see how I can do...

5 Favorite Middle-Grade Books

I'm guessing at what goes in this category, to be honest. ;) Some of these I remember loving, but it's been a while since I've read them so I don't have a review.\

1) Orphan Train Rider by Andrea Warren

2) Adventures and Adversities by Sarah Holman

3) The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare

4) The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin

5) Alone Yet Not Alone by Tracy Michelle Leininger

I shouldn't have to think this hard. I really, really shouldn't. After all, I have seven younger siblings and I know I've read them all books since I myself read them. But I still had to rack my brain!

1) Counting Blessings by Eileen Spinelli

2) Little Jewel books by Rod and Staff (various books by various authors)
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3) I Spy by Walter Wick and Jean Marzollo
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4) If You Give a Moose a Muffin (and others in this series) by Laura Joffe Numeroff

5) A Little Girl after God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George

5 Other Blogs
Want to read more favorites? Click on the images to hop over to these blogs and see what they have to share. Don't forget: one of these blogs is having a giveaway today!

Be sure to stop by Rebekah's blog for the big giveaway!! It ends tonight!! (note: giveaway includes an "idea jar" as well as paperback copies of the featured books).


  1. Ooo! You've read The Westing Game? I love that book!

  2. Cool books! Thanks for sharing Amanda!

  3. Oh, yes, the Little Jewel books are so good. I remember getting the first set of them when I first began school. I still have them. :)

    Thanks for participating in this Five Fall Favorites Party, Amanda! I've enjoyed seeing your book lists and adding some books to my list. :)

  4. "The Westing Game" was so cool, but I didn't think so when I was reading it! I had no idea what was going on. Then my mom explained it, and then I thought it was really interesting. :P The second time around was better.


  5. Oh, I want to read "Adventures & Adversities", "Alone Yet Not Alone", and the Little Jewel books (<3 Rod & Staff). :)

  6. Ohh....these books look so good! Gonna have to add them to my TBR list!! Wait - Tracie Peterson wrote a Western? I have to go check that out!! ^_^

  7. I have seen the movie Alone Yet Not Alone. I didn't even know there was a book! I love I Spy books! And is If You Give a Moose a Muffin similar to If You give a Mouse a Cookie?

  8. Aww... I loved the book "A Little Girl After God's Own Heart"! Plus, the pictures are beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Alone Yet Not Alone was a great book, and movie!

  10. Oh I love the I Spy Series. I've also read the Bronze Bow. Very good book.

  11. I've read The Westing Game! I really enjoyed it.
    I Spy books are always really fun, too. :)

  12. @ Faith - it's been a while. Rachel just got a copy so I want to re-read it!

    @ Ashley - you're welcome! Thanks for commenting. :)

    @ Rebekah - you've been a great hostess for the party! I'm so happy to have been a part! :) I've had fun!

    @ CutePolarBear - Haha! Yes, it was so twisty!

    @ Faith P - keep your eye out, Sarah usually rotates her books free for Kindle (if you've not gotten it yet).

    @ Blessings - well, I'm not sure that it's *exactly* western, but it had a western-ish feel. ;)

    @ Abigail - I'm opposite. I've read the book, haven't watched the movie (yet; my sister just got it).

    @ Holly - you're welcome!

    @ Amy - even though it's written for younger ages, I love it still!

    @ Christian - oh yes, the Bronze Bow! I need to re-read it. ;)

    @ Sarah - my family's had so much fun with the I Spy books! We'd have races. ;)

  13. I remember really enjoying the Bronze Bow too! :) Thanks for doing this party!

  14. @ Bethany - now I want to reread it. ;) You're welcome!! Thanks for commenting!


Thank you for stopping by! I pray that you have found something that encourages you today. Thank you for taking the time to give me a little comment - they always brighten my day. :) I usually stop by and reply to as many comments as I can, but sometimes it takes me a week or so. But if you asked a question, be sure to check back!

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)