
Thursday, July 28, 2016

Faith Blum | Author Interview, Book Release, and Giveaway

Once again, welcome Faith Blum onto my blog!

Most of my blog readers are probably pretty familiar with you, since I've been a part of several of your blog tours, cover reveals, and what-not. In fact, I've already interviewed you twice (here and here). My readers can get to know you there, so this time, I want to focus primarily on your writing craft.
Are you a pantser, plotter, or pantser/plotter hybrid?
For those of you who don't know these terms, a basic explanation is that a pantser starts a story with only a vague idea of how things are going to be and "flies by the seat of his pants" as he writes. A plotter knows what's happening when, and follows his plan. A hybrid is a mix of both.
 I’m a hybrid. I usually do mostly pantser, but sometimes when I get really stuck, or just need to focus in on my plot, I’ll do some planning/plotting. For example, the novel I’m working on right now I started knowing a little bit, but not much, of what will happen and am pantsing it. Soon, however, I’ll need to start plotting a little more and deciding how many years to jump and when.

I think our writing styles are very similar, Faith! :) About how many hours do you write a day?
 That totally depends on the day. Some days I don’t write at all and other days I write for probably four or more hours. I’ve recently decided I need to set a specific goal of words to write every day. For now, that goal is 750 words or more per day (not counting weekends), and when I am not editing, I’ll probably up that to 1,500 per day.

Yep, still nodding in agreement over here. ;) How do you deal with writers' block or just simply not wanting to write?
 I have a few ways of dealing with writers block. Sometimes I do a rough outline if I haven’t already done that. Other times, I’ll jump ahead to a different scene and come back later to fill in the gaps. When I simply don’t want to write, I usually don’t write. There are days when I’m just too burned out to do any writing. In which case, I’ll usually do some editing, proofreading, reading, marketing, or some other writing related thing.

That's what most people don't realize: life as an author isn't just about getting a story on paper. There's so much more involved. Good idea to focus on different aspects of the writer's life during writer's block. What are some important lessons you've learned about the writing process?
 Just keep writing. If you’re stuck, move to a different scene in the book. If the story isn’t going well, start a different project or start that one over again. The goal is to keep writing. Which I should really listen to for myself. *ahem*

Haha! Yeah...
What is probably the biggest blunder you've made in writing?
 The biggest blunder I made was publishing my debut novel too quickly. I wanted it published before Christmas, so I rushed it. Now I’m working on getting it edited better to remedy some of the mistakes I made in it.

I've seen this blunder in several authors before. I know from experience that it's so, so hard not to rush! When do you seem to get the best ideas for your stories?
 I think I get some of my best ideas while I am writing. Sometimes those ideas are for the current book and sometimes they are for a future book.

How do you develop your characters? Do you find images online, create Pinterest boards, do character sketches, develop your character as you write, other? 

I mostly develop my characters as I write, but I often use character sketches as well.

Thanks so much, Faith! I thoroughly enjoyed your answers!

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Faith is releasing another novella right now! I've not had time to beta read all of her newest releases, but I did just happen to do this one and I enjoyed journeying with the twins, Eve and Eva!

About the Book

Just as I am, without one plea
But that Thy blood was shed for me
And that Thou bidst me come to Thee
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
 Eve and Evangeline Collins are adventurous twins who decide to take a risk and head west as mail order brides. Their parents are less than pleased, but do nothing to stop them. Eve and Eva don’t realize their danger until they stop just outside Cheyenne. Will they ever see their family again?

About the Author

Faith Blum started writing at an early age. She started even before she could read! She even thought she could write better than Dr. Seuss. Now that she has grown up a little more, she knows she will probably never reach the success of Dr. Seuss, but that doesn’t stop her from trying.

When she isn’t writing, Faith enjoys doing many right-brained activities such as reading, crafting, playing piano, and playing games with her family. One of her dreams is to visit Castle City, Montana, to see the ghost town she chose for her characters to live in. She currently lives on a hobby farm with her family in Wisconsin.


Tour Schedule
Tuesday, July 26
Bookish Orchestrations-Tour introduction

Wednesday, July 27
Jaye L. Knight-Excerpt #2
Potter’s Word Publishing-Author Interview

Thursday, July 28
With a Joyful Noise-Author Interview

Friday, July 29

Saturday, July 30
Majestic Golden Rose-Author Interview

Monday, August 1
Rebekah Lyn Books-Review and Character Interview

Tuesday, August 2

Bookish Orchestrations-Giveaway Winner


  1. My favorite book about twins is "The Bobbsey Twins". Thanks for the giveaway.

  2. Thank you for being part of my tour, Amanda!

  3. @ Marilyn - thanks for stopping by! :)

    @ Faith - you're very welcome! :D


Thank you for stopping by! I pray that you have found something that encourages you today. Thank you for taking the time to give me a little comment - they always brighten my day. :) I usually stop by and reply to as many comments as I can, but sometimes it takes me a week or so. But if you asked a question, be sure to check back!

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)